Turkish Foreign Ministry Decisively Condemned Terrorist Attack In Mogadish

The Turkish Foreign Ministry decisively condemned the terrorist attack committed the day before in the capital of Somalia, the city of Mogadisho.

The department noted that they regret in connection with reports of the death and wound of people as a result of the attack.

“We condemn this vile terrorist attack in the most decisive way. Turkey will continue to support Somalia in the fight against terrorism,” follows the publication of the press service of the department.

The Foreign Ministry of Turkey also expressed condolences to the Somali people.

In the capital of Somalia, the city of Mogadisho, 32 were killed as a result of the explosion and shooting, 63 people were injured.

According to the press service of the metropolitan police, the Ash Shabab terrorists attacked the Beach View Hotel and Lido Beach in Mogadish.

The suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowd of people on the beach, several more militants at that time opened the shooting at the hotel. Ash Shabab terrorist organization took responsibility for the attack.