Turkish Helicopter Gökbey Flies In Sky Of England

Gökbey helicopter, developed by the Turkish company Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), made its first international flight in the UK.

On the first day of the Farnborough International Aviation Salon, one of the most prestigious measures of the aviation, defense and space industry in the world, one of the Turkish national aircraft developed by TAI at its own facilities, Gökbey made a 7-minute flight display in the framework of the event

Gökbey, the first domestic helicopter, demonstrated Turkey’s progress in the field of aviation technologies and its competitiveness in the international arena with its first international flight show.

Commenting on this issue, TAI General Director Mehmet Demiroglu said that the International Aviation Exhibition in Farnboro is an important exhibition where the latest achievements in the field of aviation technologies can be seen most clearly: “We put all our products here to show how ambitious we are in in The attitude of our capabilities and abilities.

gökbey in the period from 22 to 26 July will make 4 flights.

– the latest technological products of the Turkish aerospace industry are represented in the UK

TAI will also present at the exhibition other technological products and platforms developed by it.

In this context, mock-ups on a 1/7 training aircraft Hürjet, Hürkuş, a helicopter T129 ATAK, Gökbey and Aksungur, Anka and Anka III from the BPL family, as well as the Gökbey and Hürjet Macakers will be presented in this context. To one.

In addition, the guests of the exhibition will be represented by the layout of the Kaan test training ground and the Turkish satellite.