Turkish President left for Nakhchivan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan left for the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan with a one -day working visit.

A plane with the head of the Turkish state on board flew to Nakhchivan at 11:20 local time.

At the Ataturk International Airport, President Erdogan, Vice President Jeweded Jilmaz, Governor Istanbula Davut Gul and other Turkish officials were escorted at the Ataturian Airport.

During the trip of the Turkish leader, the Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Minister of National Defense Yashar Guler, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Alparslan Bayractar, Minister of Environment, Urban Planning and Climate Mehmet Ozhaseki, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uralogla, Secretary of Trade of Ortho Bolat, Minister of Environment Head of the National Intelligence Organization Ibrahim Kalyn, head of the Presidential Administration of the Presidential Administration Fahretin Altun, presidential adviser Akif Chagatai, spokesman for the Justice and Development of Omer Chelik and the Enterprise Officials.

The visit will take place at the invitation of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

According to the statement, the leaders will discuss bilateral Turkish-Azerbaijani relations.

There will also be an exchange of views on current regional and international issues, primarily regarding the latest events in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

It is expected that the presidents of Turkey and Azerbaijan will take part in the ceremony of laying the foundation of the gas pipeline of Igdyr-Nachvyan and the discovery of the modernized Nakhchivansky military complex.