Turkish-Saudi Construction Forum Was Held In Istanbul

Minister of Municipality, Rural Affairs and Housing of Saudi Arabia Majid al -Khogail said that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have significant advantages in mutual investments: “I believe that we must continue working together and urge our companies to continue the dialogue” He said.

In Istanbul, with the participation of the Minister of Municipality, Rural Affairs and Housing of Saudi Arabia, Majid al-Khogail and the Deputy Minister of Trade of Turkey Mustafa Tuzju, at the organization of the Turkish association of contractors (TBM), the construction forum of Turkey-Saudi Arabia was held.

Speaking at the final meeting of the forum, Al-Khogail said that the economic relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia continue to develop thanks to the will of the leaders of the two countries and the joint work of the authorities.

Al-Khogail noted that both countries have advantages in mutual investments: “I think that we must continue to work together and urge our companies to continue the dialogue.”

According to him, in the framework of the project “Vision 2030”, Saudi Arabia will implement many housing and infrastructure projects, in this regard they would like to use the capabilities of the Turkish contract sector.

– We will support the construction sector together

Deputy Minister of Trade of Turkey Mustafa Tuzju, in turn, said that they attach great importance to strengthening bilateral trade and economic cooperation between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the volume of bilateral trade is tended to increase over the past 1.5 years.

He noted that trade grew not only in the field of construction, but also in many other sectors, Tuzja said that they are taking decisive steps to achieve the goals set by the leaders of the countries.

He noted that the trade volume of $ 10 billion, which several years ago seemed impossible, is now quite achievable. “In this process, our companies made significant efforts to eliminate the deficit, and our relations have improved. Now we are on a very good path. Saudi Arabia is preparing for the implementation of very important projects. Projects there are interesting and attractive, and we see that they recently they More and more attention is attracted.

Tuzju noted that over the past few years, about 1 million tourists have come from Saudi Arabia to Turkey, and this number is quite good and pleasant compared to the population.

According to him, the knowledge and successes of Turkey in the field of construction are known to the whole world. Tuzje shared information that the volume of contractual services of Turkey in Saudi Arabia in 2023 reached approximately $ 3 billion.