Türkiye and Azerbaijan are successfully developing energy -labor work

Cooperation between Ankara and Baku in the field of energy benefits both Turkey and European countries.

This was stated by the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey Alparslan Bayrakrattar, speaking at the 29th International Oil and Gas Caspian, which is held in the capital of Azerbaijan.

According to him, the connections between the two countries, based on the “common history, culture and strategic interests”, were strengthened by such iconic projects as the Baku-Tbilisi-Jahan oil pipeline and the transanatoly gas pipeline (Tanap). He noted that both projects are of key importance for the effective functioning of the world energy market.

He also praised the southern gas corridor, which, according to him, is “evidence of the effectiveness of regional cooperation.” The Minister emphasized the role of the project in strengthening energy security for both Europe and Turkey, as well as its contribution to strengthening economic and geopolitical ties.

He added that Turkey and Azerbaijan also agreed to cooperate in order to increase the volume of existing natural gas supplies to the Turkish market and to European countries through the territory of Turkey.

The head of the department noted that the Turkish side cooperates very closely with the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan in order to expand the power of the energy system between Turkey and the Nakhchyan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan, which will produce and transport more environmentally friendly electricity.

“Having contributing to regional cooperation and paying the priority attention of energy security, you can form a stable and dynamic energy environment that will benefit the current and future generations,” said Bayrab.