Türkiye and Sierra Leone intend to develop cooperation in fight against cancer

Türkiye and Sierra Leone intend to develop cooperation in the fight against cancer.

About this, the wife of Turkish President Emine Erdogan wrote on her page on the social network X following the meeting with the wife of President Sierra-Leone Fatima Maad Bio in the capital of Nigeria, Abuja.

The meeting was organized on the fields of events devoted to increased awareness of cancer in the countries participating in the Islamic Cooperation Organization, and passed behind closed doors.

“met in Nigeria with the wife of President Sierra-Leone and at the same time a member of our advisory council on zero waste, dear friend Fatima Maada BIO. We held a productive meeting on the fields of events to increase oncological diseases in the OIS member countries” – wrote Erdogan.

The wife of the Turkish leader noted that during the meeting, an exchange of views was held regarding joint efforts and goals to combat the spread of cancer.

“We share a single opinion on the decisive importance of cooperation in the fight against cancer. We agreed to move together for the sake of a healthier and stable society,” wrote Emine Erdogan.

BIO reported at the meeting that the activities of the spouse of the Turkish leader inspired the construction of a hospital in Nigeria. According to her, Sierra Leone advocates the self-sufficiency of Africa countries.

Emine Erdogan is the only first lady who is an inspiration for the husband of the leaders of the African countries, said Bio.