Türkiye continues to fight financing of terrorism

The process of Turkey’s exit from the gray list of the group of financial measures to combat money laundering (FATF) continues. Since 2013, the country has implemented a decision to freeze assets of 1918 persons and organizations related to terrorist organizations, including sanctions decisions of the UN.

According to information collected by Anadol, Turkey continues to prevent financing terrorism, which is the most important pillar of the fight against terrorism around the world.

In this context of the decision to freeze assets, the principles of which are regulated by the law on preventing financing terrorism, distinguished as one of the most effective tools.

These decisions identify financial networks of terrorist organizations and are deprived of their resources that allow them to continue their activities.

Turkey decided to freeze assets of many individuals and organizations in the framework of the fight against the financing of terrorism.

These decisions enter into force in just 24 hours in accordance with the sanctions established by the UN Security Council (SB UN) in relation to financing terrorism, international standards and the risk profile for financing terrorism in the country.

Decisions on freezing internal assets are implemented in accordance with the results obtained from the results of the security units.

Accordingly, in the period from 2013 to 2024 it was decided to freeze assets of 1918 individuals and organizations, 490 – within the framework of the SB UN Security Council, 96 – at the request of foreign states and 1332 – in connection with internal procedures for freezing assets.

It was found that 655 out of 1332 people and organizations whose assets were frozen in the country were associated with Fetö/PDY terrorist organizations, 275 – RKK/KSK, 259 – with deash and al -Qaeda, 11 – ” An-Nusra “and 132 people were associated with other terrorist organizations.

As a result, in Turkey, a decision was implemented on freezing 1086 shares and share shares, 135 vehicles, 2 yachts and 162 companies, as well as 1 billion 105 million 818 thousand 451 lira, 2 million 781 thousand dollars and 339 thousand and 339 thousand .

– Türkiye we work together with the USA

Turkey also makes decisions on the freezing of assets of certain persons and organizations in cooperation with many foreign countries in accordance with the decision of the UN Security Council adopted in 2001 and aimed at strengthening the international struggle against terrorism. In this context, as a result of joint work with the United States, it was decided to freeze two assets last year.

Turkey continues to fight terrorism on a global and national scale, using all legal instruments recognized both by national and international law.

On the other hand, the process of Turkey’s exit from the gray FATF list continues. In February, Fatf decided that Türkiye has successfully fulfilled the points of the action plan. Fatf in the first week of May visited Turkey to confirm his decision on the spot.

It is expected that Fatf will decide on the exclusion of Turkey from the gray list at a meeting of the General Assembly, which will be held in the last week of June.