Türkiye Contributes To Ensuring Quality Education Of Youth Gambia

The Enlightenment of Turkey “Maarif” (TMV) makes a feasible contribution to the receipt of high -quality education to youth Gambia, including the provision of students from this country to continue education in Turkey. The representative of the Fund in Gambia Ibrahim Haki Boyaja said this in an interview with an anadol correspondent.

According to him, the employees of the Fund introduce distinguished students with the Turkish education system, Turkish and Turkish culture, after which they are given the opportunity to continue the process of education in Turkey.

Boyaja said that TMV began its educational activity in Gambia in 2018 with a small school, where 30-40 students studied. Then the representative office of the fund moved into a more spacious room due to the increased number of people who want to get an education under its auspices.

The representative of the fund added that in 2025 the number of students at school will increase to 310. The agency’s interlocutor noted that the fund provides educational services at all levels in Gambia: preschool, primary, secondary and higher education.

According to him, the fund began the release of students in Gambia in 2022. “13 out of 42 of our graduates continue their university education in Turkey. We try to send our graduates primarily to Turkey. Turkish scholarships play an important role for them at this stage,” he said.

Boyaja added that the students whom Maarif sent to Turkey continue to study at the country’s leading universities in cities such as Istanbul, Ankara and Bursa. He noted that these students mainly chose the faculties of political science or economy for study.

Ibrahim Hakki Boyaja noted that the Maarif Foundation seeks to cover its activities by a larger number of Gambian students.

The Enlightenment of Turkey “Maarif” is assisted not only by the Gambian students, but also to the country’s teaching staff. About this correspondent “Anadolo” was told by Moda Mannech, a biology teacher at the school of the Turkish Fund. “I am very pleased with the work at the Maarif school. The opportunities and amenities offered to students are also provided to teachers,” Manneh said.

The teacher considers one of the main advantages of the fund’s schools that the significance is given to the freedom of expression by students and teachers.