Türkiye Has Achieved New Successes In Defense Industry

Türkiye has achieved new successes in the defense industry and brought it to the highest level – to the cosmic sphere. The launch of the first Turkish national communication satellite Türksat 6A is an important event for Turkey and its region.

This was said in an interview with Anadola, the head of the Turkish Council on Scientific and Technological Research (Tübi̇tak) Hassan Mandal.

The mandala recalled that last year the observational satellite of the ̇mece with a submeter resolution was launched and at the beginning of the year the first manned space mission of Turkey was carried out, which was followed by a suborbital research flight.

He noted that Turkey is one of the countries, famous in the space industry, technology and economics.

According to him, the space sphere is considered the most important league in international competitions.

“Now Turkey is drawing out success in the defense industry in the highest level – in the space industry. This is a really important event for our country, our region and humanity,” the mandala said.

The head of Tübi̇tak noted that the first signal with Türksat 6A was successful, however, in order to be sure that the satellite has been working for at least three months.

Mandal noted that Turkey may be able to export successfully acting satellite components or platforms.

“Now we are part of this economy, in a satellite ecosystem, but, of course, we must set ourselves higher goals,” he stressed.

According to him, the next purpose of the national space program is a rigid landing on the moon. “We will achieve a rigid landing on the moon at the end of 2026 or at the beginning of 2027, and then a soft landing in space after 2 years,” the mandala said.

The head of Tübi̇tak noticed that the mission of Türksat 6A is part of the Turkish project to expand the presence in space.