Türkiye is in solidarity with Libya against backdrop of strong floods

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed solidarity with Libya in connection with the death of more than 2 thousand people as a result of a strong flood.

“Turkey supports the people of Libya,” the head of state wrote on the social network X.

The head of state expressed condolences to families and relatives of the dead and wished the sooner recovery to the victims.

The President said that Turkish authorities decided to send three aircraft to the Libyan Bengi with 168 rescuers and gum on board.

Storm Daniel collapsed into several regions of East Libya. The cities of Benghazi, Al-Baida and Al-Marj, as well as Sousse and Sherna

were most affected.

The number of dead due to a natural disaster in turf exceeded 2000 people, thousands of people are considered missing.