Türkiye Is Leader In Europe In Terms Of Agricultural Production

Türkiye is a leader in Europe in terms of agricultural production.

According to 2023, the volume of products amounted to $ 68.9 billion.

According to the information of “Anadol”, the pandemic and war strengthened the concern of food security around the world.

In this context, agriculture remains one of the key sectors of the Turkish economy. The country grows about 206 types of agricultural products.

Türkiye occupies leading positions in the world in almost all directions of the agricultural sector.

for the production of fruits and vegetables, the country is in 4th place in the world, and in crop production at the 11th.

Agriculture is about 7 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and provides employment of about 20 percent of the labor force.

The production of raw milk Türkiye takes 9th place in the world and 3rd in Europe.

for the production of beef, the country is in 7th place in the world and in the 1st in Europe. In the production of chicken, Türkiye is the 9th in the world and the 2nd in Europe.

The production of eggs Türkiye occupies 10th place in the world and 2-E-in Europe, and for the production of honey 2nd in the world and the 1st in Europe.

In the field of fish farming, Türkiye occupies 16th place in the world and 2nd-in Europe.

In addition, the agricultural GDP of Turkey, which amounted to $ 25 billion in 2002, grew to 74 billion in 2024.

The export of agricultural products over the same period increased from 3.8 to 32.6 billion dollars.

Türkiye is following the leading countries of the world in agricultural GDP

food and agricultural organization of the UN (FAO) and the World Bank calculated data on agricultural products of countries until 2023 inclusive.

Türkiye is one of the countries with the largest agricultural gross product.

In 2013, in the world in the world in agricultural GDP there was China with $ 855.9 billion, it was followed by India from 318.4 billion and the United States from 222.5 billion

Türkiye then ranked 8th with an indicator of 63.9 billion dollars.

In 2018, China again headed a list of 978.6 billion, India (433.3 billion) and the USA (185.6 billion) were followed by.

Türkiye this year sank to 10th place from 45.1 billion dollars.

According to 2023 data, Türkiye again rose to 8th place in the world from 68.9 billion dollars.

China with 1 trillion takes first place. 267 billion dollars, the second is India from 570.7 billion, the third – the United States from 222.2 billion

Türkiye occupies a leading position among European countries

Türkiye is also among the leaders among European countries. In 2013, Russia with 68.6 billion dollars took first place, Türkiye (63.9 billion) and Italy (44.3 billion) followed it.

In 2018, Russia retained the first place from $ 56.2 billion, then Türkiye (45.1 billion) and France (42.5 billion) went.

According to 2023, Türkiye was first place in Europe for agricultural gross product. In second place in Russia with $ 67.7 billion, in the third France from 53.1 billion