Türkiye Will Become Center Of Railway Transportation

With the completion of the planned work in the railway sector, Türkiye will significantly increase its importance in the international and regional arena. This was stated by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey in an interview with “Anadola”.

Uraologl explained two key politicians aimed at improving the country’s welfare and solving problems in the railway industry. This is in particular the “Policy of the development of the railway network” and “Policy of the development of passenger and freight transportation services.”

The Minister said that the country has many works on the development of high -speed, high -speed and conventional railway routes.

“The plans – the expansion of a network of high -speed trains up to 6425 kilometers by 2053, as well as the construction of 1474 kilometers of conventional routes and other types of railway lines, as a result, the total length of the railway network will reach 8554 kilometers,” he said.

According to him, the length of the railway network in the country today is about 14 thousand kilometers.

The minister also added that the number of ports, industrial facilities and logistics centers connected to the railway network will be increased, which will ensure the integration of all types of transport.

He emphasized that railway transportation will become safer, comfortable and environmentally friendly.

“We plan to increase the average commercial speed of freight transportation from 28% this year to 38% by 2028,” said Uraluğlu. He assured that the completion of current railway projects, as well as the connection of important cargo centers, such as organized industrial zones and ports, remain among the priorities.

Demir Yolu Ulaştırma Faaliyetlerinin Serbest, Adil Ve Sürdülebilir Bir Rekabet Ortamında yapılmasını Sağlayacakalarınını Belirten Uraloğlu, “Güvenli, Konphorlu, E. NTEGRE, Afetlere Dirençli, çevReci Ve Erişilebilir Bir Sistemle Demir Yolu Payının Arttırılmasına yööngleri Hayata Geçireceğiz. Cılığında ortalama ticari Hızı Bu Yıl Yüzde 28 Olurken Biz Bu Hızı 2028’de Yüzde 38’e çıkarmayı Heedfliyoruz I (OSB), Limanlar Ve Maden Ocakları Gibi önemli yük merkezlerin Demir yolu bağlantılarını sağlayacağız. ” Diye konuştu.

Türkiye attaches priority to railways

Uraluoglu said that the railways have been defined as a priority sector since 2003 and emphasized their strategic importance for international freight and passenger transportation in Turkey.

He noted that Türkiye uses its geographical advantages to implement new projects in this area.