Turnover Of Azerbaijan With CIS Countries Grew By %50

In 2025, the trade turnover of Azerbaijan with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) amounted to 1.26 billion dollars, which is 50 percent more than in the same period of 2023. This was reported by the Azerbaijani media.

Despite the growth of the total volume of trade, the dynamics of export and import has developed multidirectional.

Export from Azerbaijan to the CIS countries decreased by 7.05 percent and amounted to 188.4 million dollars. Import, on the contrary, grew by 68.2 percent, reaching $ 1.07 billion.

It is reported that over the two months of the current year, the share of the CIS countries in the total foreign trade of Azerbaijan was 4.9 percent in export and 26.9 percent in import.

Russia remains the main partner

The leader in the volume of turnover has traditionally became Russia- 997.9 million dollars, of which 150.9 million were exported from Azerbaijan.

In general, trade with Russia increased by 68.7 percent compared to last year.

significant growth showed trade with Kazakhstan, reaching $ 71.9 million. Exports from Azerbaijan amounted to 12.2 million, imports – 59.7 million compared to last year the total trade increased by 33.2 percent.

noticeable growth is recorded in trade with Uzbekistan. The total volume of turnover reached $ 65 million, increasing almost 2.8 times compared to last year.

The export amounted to 5.5 million dollars, and imports – 59.5 million. Export growth amounted to 42.1 percent.

There is also a significant increase in trade with Tajikistan: the turnover increased 3.8 times and amounted to 1.3 million dollars.