Ukraine: killed commander of regiment of Airborne Forces of Russia

Kostroma’s state television and radio company reported the death during the” special operation “in Ukraine at once five local servicemen, including the commander of the Kostroma Regiment of the Airborne Forces Colonel Sergey Sukhareva. Also, according to the TV and Radio Company, Sergey Lebedev, Sergeant, Sergey Lebedev, died, Sergeant Alexander Limonov, Efreitor Yuri Degtyarev and Captain Alexey Nikitin.

BBC transfers that data on the general losses of the Russian Defense Ministry revealed only once on March 2 (then they reported on 498 dead), but regional authorities often inform the death of military personnel living in the region.

The 331th Guards Parachute Regiment, who commanded Colonel Sukharev, took part in both Chechen campaigns and in the five-day war in South Ossetia in 2008. Guard Colonel Sergey Sukharev commanded the 331st regiment since 2021.