UN called for Pakistan immediately release former prime minister of Imran Khan

The detention of the former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is arbitrary and violates the norms of international law. This is stated in the message of the UN working group for arbitrary detentions.

The message notes that in connection with the arbitrary detention of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, it is necessary to immediately pay compensation and carry out other measures in accordance with international law.

The organization drew attention to the fact that the accusations against the former Pakistani prime minister do not have a legal basis, and the accusations and judicial persecution “look like politically motivated to prevent the khan from participating in the elections.”

The working group for arbitrary detentions called on Pakistan to ensure a complete and independent investigation of the circumstances of the arbitrary imprisonment of the khan, as well as to take the necessary measures against persons responsible for violating his rights.

– Khan was arrested on August 5, 2023

The former Prime Minister Imran Khan was detained by the police and sent to prison on August 5, 2023 after the order of the warrant on the arrest in the case of corruption.

On August 29, the court in Pakistan suspended the sentence of a three -year imprisonment in relation to the khan, decided to release him on bail. However, on August 30, Khan was again taken into custody on charges of “disclosing state secrets.”