In the warehouses of the UN World Food Program (VPP), about 5700 tons of food remain in GAZ – this is enough for no more than two weeks, they said in the runway.
“We are forced to accelerate the distribution of the remaining reserves so that as many people can get help,” we publiced in the agency.
According to the runway, there was no gum for more than three weeks of gas. The agency plans to provide an emergency distribution of grocery sets for 500 thousand people. However, as emphasized in the runway, the contents of the sets are reduced and stocks will be enough for only a week.
A serious deficiency is also noted in the production of bread. According to the organization, only 19 out of 25 supported ski bakery support work. The flour reserves are enough for only five days to provide bread about 800 thousand people.
In addition, 37 kitchens were threatened, which prepare 500 thousand hot lunch daily.
“There are only enough reserves for only two weeks. Some kitchens have already closed due to the evacuation of staff. The increase in prices exacerbates the situation. The bag of flour has risen 400 percent compared to March, gas for cooking is 300 percent,” it follows from the message.
According to runways, to ensure food security in gas and on the western bank of the Jordan River, in the next six months, it will take $ 265 million.
About 85 thousand tons of food are already ready to send, but without the opening of humanitarian corridors, delivery is impossible. “Without immediate access to gas, the level of hunger will continue to grow,”- summed up in the agency.