UN: In 2024, 6.9 million people will need gumpotchi in Somalia

Next year, 6.9 million inhabitants of the country will need humanitarian aid in Somalia. Such data are given in a report prepared by the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian issues (VSGV).

According to VSGV, this year in Somalia there was a decrease in the number of humans that were waiting compared to last year, which was facilitated by active efforts to provide assistance and reduce the consequences of drought.

The report notes that in 2024, due to drought, floods and conflicts, 6.9 million people will need help, and $ 1.7 billion will be required to carry out the necessary work.

In the VSGV, it was reminded that 4 million people became forced immigrants in the country, 80 percent of which are women and children.

The report notes that the assistance provided by the UN and other humanitarian organizations until September of this year covered 8.4 million people. At the same time, only 8 percent of those who were forced to leave their homes were able to find the right housing, the report said.

Powerful rain and floods observed in recent weeks in the drought of the somali, which were struggling with the drought, led to the movement of 650 thousand people. Due to the consequences of climate change in some regions of Somalia, drought is observed, and in some – pouring rains and floods.