UN: life of children in Sudan is at risk

The life of children in Sudan is threatened, it is necessary to take urgent measures to protect the whole generation from malnutrition, diseases and death. This is stated in a joint statement by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Food Program (VPP).

Three United Nations institutions made an alarm that all signs indicate a significant deterioration in the situation with the nutrition of children and mothers in the Sudan covered by the war.

The recently conducted analysis showed that the ongoing military operations exacerbate the reasons for the malnutrition of children, the report said.

– Sudan is faced with a growing risk of hunger

The statement notes that the country is faced with a “growing risk of hunger” due to conflicts. In the coming months, the situation for children and mothers in Sudan will only worsen: in June the rain season will begin, which will lead to insulation of communities and increase the incidence levels, the statement said.

– messages about human rights violations in El Fashire are horrified

In turn, the UN humanitarian coordinator in Sudan Klementina Nkveta -Salah said that reports of deaths and violations of human rights in El Fashira, the administrative center of the state of North Darfur, are horrified.

“families, including children and elderly people, do not allow to leave the city in search of safety,” she said.

“We receive anxiety reports that medical institutions, camps for displaced persons and a critical civilian infrastructure have been attacked,” said Nkveta Salas.

According to her, the Snowy areas of El Fashira were left without electricity and water, the public access to food and basic services is limited.

“After more than a year of a cruel conflict, the family has exhausted their meager resources, and their ability to survive is reduced every day,” she said.

The armed confrontation between the army of Sudan and the quick response forces (SBR) began on April 15, 2023. The reason for the clashes was the issue of integration of the SBR into the structure of the army. The fighting that began in the capital soon covered other units of the country.

The army preserves dominance in the northern and eastern states, while the SBR – in the Western and Southern.

The bloodshed does not stop contrary to agreements on the ceasefire and international pressure on the conflicting parties.

According to the UN, more than 16 thousand people were killed as a result of conflicts in Sudan, about 8.7 million people became forced immigrants and more than 25 million people need humanitarian assistance.