UN mission to assist Iraq is extended for 1 year

The decision was made for the last time to extend the mandate of the United Nations (UN) mission to assist Iraq (Monsey) for 1 year.

The UN Security Council (SB UN) unanimously voted for extending the Monsey mandate until December 31, 2025.

Speaking with a statement after the vote, the deputy of the US permanent representative Robert Wood noted that in recent years Iraq has experienced big changes. Having stated that the mandate of Monsey was extended for the last time, Wood noted that the mission completed its task.

Wood said that Muonsi will provide assistance in the transition process, for example, technical support in conducting elections and protecting human rights.

Monsey, whose tasks include assisting the government in the development and reconstruction of Iraq in addition to ensuring security, also has the task of tracking human rights violations in Iraq.

Monsey was created in accordance with the resolution of 1,500 SB UN on August 14, 2003 after the US invasion of the United States and the Union forces in Iraq.