The UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (VSGV) and the Office of the Supreme Commissar of the UN for refugees (UNC) “Plan of regional response to refugee and humanitarian aid for Ukraine for 2025”.
The report published in connection with this plan calls to collect $ 3.32 billion to assist 8.2 million Ukrainians, both in Ukraine and beyond.
In addition, the document says that “plans developed jointly with the Ukrainian government and launched in Kyiv contain strategic approaches to satisfy the needs of people whose lives were destroyed by the war.”
According to the report, humanitarian organizations in Ukraine also intend to provide assistance to 6 million people, including food, medical services and other vital services.
The international community should support these plans
Deputy Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and the UN Extraindicator Tom Fletcher, expressed admiration for the stamina of the Ukrainian people, manifested despite enormous difficulties.
“The international community must firmly support humanitarian plans in order to demonstrate the same determination that the people of Ukraine shows,” Fletcher emphasized.