UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterres expressed deep concern with the escalation of the conflict in Sudan, especially around the al-Jila NPZ north of the capital of Hartum and in Al-Fashira in Darfur, and called on the parties to show restraint.
GUTERRASH urged the parties to refrain from any actions that could have dangerous consequences, including serious economic and environmental, for Sudan and the region, the UN press service noted.
He recalled the obligations arising from international law regarding the protection of the civilian population and civil infrastructure, as well as the provision of humanitarian access.
“Sudanese women, children and men pay for the ongoing military operations of the conflicting parties,” the head of the organization attracted attention.
GUERRISH repeated the call to the parties to start an urgent dialogue aimed at immediate termination of hostilities and the prevention of further harm to the Sudanese civilian population.
UN Secretary General emphasized that a sustainable resolution of a local conflict is possible only through an inclusive political process.
Internal conflict in Sudan
The clashes between the army and the SBR in Sudan began on April 15 and lasted 500 days. The reason for armed resistance was the issue of integration of the SBR into the structure of the army.
The fighting that began in the capital soon covered other units of the country. The Sudan government called on the international community to declare the SBR “terrorist grouping”.
The bloodshed does not stop contrary to agreements on the ceasefire and international pressure on the conflicting parties. The battles go in nine provinces in the west and southwest of the country using heavy weapons.
Attempts by the international community to achieve a ceasefire were unsuccessful due to mutual accusations and the inability of the parties to agree on the conditions made.
According to the UN, in Sudan there is a world’s largest crisis of population movement and acute hunger. Due to the conflict, more than 18.8 thousand people were killed, about 10 million people were forced to leave their homes and more than 25 million people need humanitarian assistance