UN Security Council discussed situation in Jerusalem

The UN Security Council members discussed the situation in East Jerusalem in closed consultations, where clashes continue between Palestinians and Israeli security forces. This was announced at the briefing a representative of the Secretary-General of the World Organization Stefan Duzharrik.

“The Council began its work with this morning with closed consultations in the Middle East. Council members listened to new information on the situation in East Jerusalem from the UN Special Processor Tora Venennest,” the TASS leads the words of the General Sensor.

Duzharrik noted that the information on the discussions remained closed. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General, however, added that the head of the World Organization Antoniou Guterrish follows with greater concern for the security situation, which threatens the new escalation, the continuation of violence and the death of people “and” is sharply condemned by Israel’s missile mines from the Gaza sector, responsibility for which which According to reports, Hamas took over. “