UN Was Called Upon To “invest In Long -term Stabilization In Syria”

There is an urgent need to invest in funds and efforts in long -term stabilization in Syria.

This was in an interview with the correspondent of the Anadolu agency said the representative of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (VSGV) Jens Lerke.

“For humanitarian organizations working in Syria, the priority is to satisfy the most important needs of people – food and food, housing, medical services, clean water and so on,” Lerke said.

He indicated that it is necessary to restore the Syrians access to the main services, including access to electricity, and promote their income.

According to him, you should lay the basis for more stable solutions, such as the restoration of water supply and investing in irrigation. “It will also allow to ensure a more stable return of people to their homes,” he said.

Lerke noted that UKGV stands for a long -term restoration, which is not limited to the framework of the humanitarian mandate.

In addition, he emphasized that in order to satisfy the urgent humanitarian needs of the Syrians, it is necessary to solve the problem of insufficient financing “last year we requested 4.1 billion US dollars to support 10.8 million people, but only a third of this amount was received. Filling out. This gap is crucial, ”he said.