United States accused hackers from Russia in hacking mail of federal prosecutors

Hackers from the APT grouping, which in the US are suspected of involvement in the SOLARWINDS hacking software, in 2020, for months, have access to e-mail several federal prosecutors of the country. According to Deutsche Vell, the US Department of Justice made this statement.

According to the American Ministry of Justice, in particular, 80 percent of email boxes were hacked, which were used by employees of four offices of prosecutors in New York. A total of 27 offices of district prosecutors from May 7 to December 27, 2020, at least one postcount was hacked.

US MINIUST has not yet explained what information was stolen and what influence this cyberatka may have on current court cases.

Attack of hackers on the IT company Solarwinds became known in December 2020. According to Bloomberg, as a result of hacking software, at least 200 organizations worldwide suffered. Among others, the Department of Finance and Energy of the United States and National Telecommunications and Information Management and National Administration were attacked.