United States Recognized Worst Country In Field Of Healthcare In Top Ten Developed Countries

The United States turned out to be a country with a “worst healthcare system” among 10 developed countries.

According to the report of the American Fund Fund, US specialists compared the Australian, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Great Britain, Sweden and Switzerland.

The United States turned out to be the country with the worst healthcare sector in the list of ten developed countries.

Despite the fact that the Americans pay for medical services almost twice as much as in other countries, the US healthcare system demonstrates bad results from the point of view of equality in access to medical services, access to care and treatment results.

“I see a humanitarian reckoning for these shortcomings daily. There are patients who cannot afford medicines. Older patients are sick more than they should, since they spent most of their lives without insurance,” said the head of the Foundation Joseph Betankurkur. /p>

It’s time to build a healthcare system that will provide high -quality and affordable medical care for all Americans, he said.

Harris and Trump do not offer any serious reforms in the field of healthcare

Meanwhile, high prices for medical services also have a negative impact on employees’ salaries.

On the eve of the upcoming presidential election, the candidate from the Democratic Party Kamal Harris and the candidate from the Republican Party Donald Trump did not offer large -scale reforms in the field of healthcare.

When voters asked questions about healthcare, most of them, first of all, complained about price tags.

Citizens spend on average 13 thousand dollars a year

According to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation Foundation, doctors and insurance are the most important problem for 42 percent of democrats and 45 percent of the Republicans.

According to the federal government, citizens spend more than 13 thousand dollars per person per year.

In Commonwealt Fund, they emphasized the need to expand the insurance coating and “significant” improvement of the amount of health costs that patients pay for themselves.

To increase administrative efficiency, it is necessary to minimize the complexity and variety of insurance plans and create a viable public health system, noted in the American Fund.

In the ranking of the World Health Organization “Efficiency of Health Care” for 2016, the United States took 37th place among 191 countries.