United States refused to recognize upcoming presidential elections in Syria

The United States does not consider the upcoming presidential elections in Syria to be legitimate and calls on the international community to join this position. This was stated by the Permanent Representative of the United States to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield at a meeting of the Organization’s Security Council.

“I urge the international community not to be deceived by the upcoming presidential elections in Syria. They will not be fair or free,” she said. “They do not legitimize the Assad regime, they do not meet the requirements of Resolution 2254, including regarding holding under the auspices of UN and in accordance with the new constitution, “reports TASS.

In her opinion, the Assad government has not taken “a single step towards peace.”

The presidential elections in Syria are due to be held in 2021. Their exact date has not yet been determined. According to the current legislation of the country, they can take place from April 16 to May 16.