Unknown buyer acquired original Internet code for $ 5.4 million

Internet inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee sold at the Sotheby’s auction the original code, with which he once created a worldwide web.

The Russian BBC Service writes that an unknown buyer paid for the program for sale as NFT (NFT-Fungible Token – “NFT-Valid Tocken”), 5.4 million dollars.

Auction began on June 23 from the starting price of 1 thousand dollars; The cost of the object was constantly increased, during the last day of trading, on June 30, the highest for a long time was the rate of 3.5 million. However, 15 minutes before the end of the auction, the NFT price began to raise rapidly and increased almost two million dollars.

NFT is a unique digital certificate confirming the ownership of its owner to a file or another.

According to the statement of the Sotheby’s auction house, reversed from the sale of funds will be directed to charitable goals, which will determine Tim Berners-Lee.