Unknowns applied swastika to facade of mosque under construction in France

Unknown people applied the swastika to the facade of the mosque under construction in the city of Montoban of the French Department of Tarn and Garronna.

This is stated in the publication of the Council of Muslims of France (CFCM) on the social network x.

next to the swastika, the vandals applied with black paint the word “Return to your homes, nasty arabs.”

CFCM said they resolutely condemn the egregious desecration of Montoban’s mosque and express support to the leadership of the shrine.

The act of vandalism was also condemned by the head of the city municipality Bridget Barazh. “I condemn these unbearable inscriptions in the most decisive way,” wrote a barge on her page on the social network X, adding that the employees of the municipality have already deleted the inscriptions.