US Ambassador was called to Russian Foreign Ministry

US Ambassador to Moscow, Lynn Tracy, was called to the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with a missile attack on Sevastopol (annexed Crimea). This is stated in the message of the Russian diplomatic mission.

“During a conversation in the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 24, with the US Dipmii in Russia, she made a demarche in connection with a new bloody crime of the Kiev regime, who was focused on the Kyiv regime armed with Washington, accompanied, accompanied by numerous victims, including children, a missile blow to peaceful. The population of Sevastopol, ”it was said in the message.

The US Foreign Ministry has accused the United States of “Furrounding the Hybrid War against Russia”

According to Russian diplomatic missions, the United States “actually became a party to the conflict in Ukraine.”

“supplying the most modern weapons, including the ATACMS missiles against the residents of Sevastopol with cassette military units, whose targeting and entering flight tasks are carried out by American military specialists, bear the responsibility for this atrocity equal to the Kyiv regime,” the report said .

“The ambassador stated that the such actions of Washington, who were aimed at encouraging the Pronatisian authorities of Ukraine to continue the fighting before the” last Ukrainian “, issuing permission to blows deep into the Russian territory, will not remain unpunished measures,” they will certainly follow, “the emphasized in Russian foreign policy.