US handed over ceasefire plan in Yemen to Houthis

The United States handed over to the leaders of the movement “Ansar Allah” (Houthis) a ceasefire plan in Yemen. This was announced by the US Special Representative for Yemen, Tim Linderking.

“We now have a sound plan for a nationwide ceasefire, containing elements that are directly designed to help alleviate the monstrous humanitarian situation in Yemen. This plan has been in the hands of the Houthi leadership for a number of days,” the American diplomat said, TASS reports. / p>

The special envoy confirmed that he is in contact with all Yemeni parties: “I also negotiated with the Yemenis. I am not promoting all this interaction. I don’t think that it is possible to be an envoy for Yemen without maintaining contact with the Yemenis. After all, this is their country. “

In addition, the special envoy announced that the United States is resuming funding for humanitarian supplies to northern Yemen.

In Yemen, since August 2014, the confrontation between government forces and the Houthis has continued. The conflict has sparked the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. According to the UN, over 24 million Yemenis – approximately 80% of the country’s population – need humanitarian assistance, and the number of internal refugees exceeds 3 million.