US Secretary Of State And UN Secretary General Discussed Security Situation In Haiti

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterres discussed the possibility of converting a multinational security support in Haiti (MSS) into the UN peacekeeping mission to ensure sustainable support for the security of the Haitian people.

The press service of the American State Department on Thursday, September 19

reported on the telephone conversation of Blinken and Guterris.

“State Secretary Anthony J. Blinken today talked with the UN Secretary General Antoniu Gutherrim about the situation in Haiti. The Secretary of State spoke about his visit to Haiti on September 5, where he met MSS members to consider progress in support of the Gaitian National Police in the fight against violence from the gangs, as well as the restoration of the security of the Haitian people, ”the text says.

Blinken and Guterrish discussed the possibility of converting the MSS mission into the UN peacekeeping mission to provide people to the Haiti sustainable support in the field of security, the State Department noted.

Multinational security support in Haiti

Members of the UN SB approved MSS on October 2, 2023. The text of the relevant document said that the MSS, approved on the call of the Government of Haiti and the Secretary General of the UN Guterris, will contribute to security in Haiti.

The decision stated that the mission will support the Haitian National Police. It was also said that the mission, the validity of which was originally defined in one year, will take the “necessary steps” in close cooperation with the Haiti government.

– acts of violence in Haiti

Public riots in Haiti intensified in the last years after the murder of President Zhovenel Moiz in July 2021, earthquakes of magnitude 7.2 in August of the same year, as a result of which more than 2,200 people died, as well as against the background of inflation, the spread of cholera, the abduction people and growth of violence.

Since April 2022, hundreds of people have died as a result of conflicts between armed groups in the country.

Inflation in the country has reached the peak in recent years, 40 percent of the population depends on food assistance, and chronic conflicts between gangs led to the death of hundreds of people and the movement of thousands.

The UN report says that security problems in the capital of Port-O-Prens have reached a level that is similar to the situation in the country at war.