Uzbekistan And Kazakhstan Conduct Joint Exercises To Protect Airspace

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan from September 10 to 14 conduct the international operational and tactical team exercises “ASHIK ASPAN” (“Clear sky”) with the participation of military personnel of the air forces and specialists of air defense of both countries.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan.

According to this information, the exercises are aimed at increasing the coherence of the military administration of friendly countries, the development of issues of joint use of the forces and air defense forces, the commanders of practical skills in managing military units in special cases of combat duty.

In the exercises, the helicopters of the front-line, aircraft of army and military transport aircraft, as well as the forces and means of air defense forces are involved. During the exercises, the pilots of the air forces make flights, including in the airspace of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The exercises are conducted under the leadership of the Commander -in -Chief of the Air Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan Dauren Kosanov.

A feature of the exercises was the development of the procedure for interacting combat calculations of air defense forces with command posts and control points of adjacent states (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) in cases of violation of the state border or rules for using air space.