Uzbekistan’s authorities recommend enterprises not to conduct settlements with foreign partners in Russian banks that have fallen under the sanctions of the West. This was reported on Friday the TASS correspondent in the Central Bank of the Republic.
“Central Bank and banks are charged with local enterprises to determine whether foreign partners are subject to sanctions, and establish a system for informing enterprises before carrying out any export-import operations,” said the regulator at the meeting of the Government Commission For foreign trade, investment and development of local industry and technical regulation.
As reported in the Central Bank, emphasized “the need to strongly recommend to all clients to translate international settlements with their foreign partners to other banks in order to prevent unwanted blocking of funds.”
It is also reported that on the eve of the Uzbek bank “So Yuli” (“Silk Road”) suspended international payments for all types of currencies, except Russian rubles, with such credit institutions such as Sberbank, Novikombank, Promsvyazbank, “VEB.RF” , Tinkoff Bank, and others who are included in the US and EU sanctions lists.