CoE/Venice Commission
Meeting on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 October in Venice, the Council of Europe’s constitutional experts are expected to adopt – among other texts – an opinion on draft constitutional amendments in Serbia and an opinion on the legal protection of citizens in the Netherlands.
Other opinions expected to be adopted concern the following:
- Albania: an amicus curiae text on the competence of the Constitutional Court of Albania
- Armenia: legislation related to the Ombudsman’s staff in Armenia
- Hungary: on amendments to electoral legislation, on amendments to an act on administrative courts and the legal status and remuneration of judges, and on amendments to an act on equal treatment and promotion of equal opportunities in Hungary
- North Macedonia: on the draft Law on the State of Emergency in North Macedonia
- Slovak Republic: on the legal profession in the Slovak Republic and the role of the Supreme Administrative Court in disciplinary proceedings
- United Kingdom: on the possible exclusion of the Parliamentary Commissioner for administration (the parliamentary Ombudsman) and Health Service Commissioner from the “safe space” provided for by the Health and Care Bill in the United Kingdom
- Ukraine: on the principles of state policy of the transition period.
For more details, please consult the Venice Commission programme
Any press releases and adopted opinions will be published on Monday 18 October.
Public Release.
More on this here.