CoE/Venice Commission
The Venice Commission has begun its summer plenary session (Friday 2 July and Saturday 3 July) in a hybrid format due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns. Among other work, the Council of Europe’s legal experts should publish by latest Tuesday next week the following opinions that will have been adopted in their closed session:
- an opinion on the draft Law on preventing conflict of interests in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- an opinion on the compatibility with international human rights standards of bills introduced late last year to the Russian State Duma, to amend laws affecting so-called foreign agents,
- an opinion on the draft law for dismantling the section for the investigation of offences committed within the judiciary of Romania,
- an opinion on constitutional amendments adopted by the Hungarian parliament in December 2020,
- an opinion on the compatibility with international human rights standards of Law no. 7262 on the Prevention of Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction recently passed by Turkey’s National Assembly, amending the Law on Associations (No. 2860) and Law on Aid Collection.
Press releases for the as-adopted opinions will also be published by latest Tuesday next week.
Previously published urgent opinions concerning Armenia, Georgia, Malta, Montenegro and Ukraine have been endorsed at the plenary.
Public Release.
More on this here.