Volume of greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey decreased by 2.4% in 2022

The total volume of greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey in 2022 decreased by 2.4 percent compared to a year earlier – to 558.3 ​​million tons of CO2 -equivalent. Such data are given by the Institute of Statistics of Turkey (Tüi̇k).

The most emissions for the specified period were to the share of the energy sector – 71.8 percent in CO2 -Equilant. This is followed by agriculture – 12.8 percent, 12.5 percent – production processes and use of products and 2.9 percent – waste sector.

The total emissions of greenhouse gases per capita in 1990 amounted to 4.1 tons of CO2-equivalent. In 2021, this indicator amounted to 6.8 tons, and in 2022 – 6.6 tons of CO2 -equivalent.

Embroathes in the energy sector decreased

emissions in the energy sector in 2022 decreased by 1.4 percent compared to a year earlier – to 400.6 million tons of CO2 -equivalent.

emissions from industrial processes and the use of products in 2022 decreased by 6.4 percent – to 69.9 million tons of CO2 – equivalent.

During the specified period, the emissions of the agricultural sector were reduced by 5.1 percent and reached 71.5 million tons of CO2-Equival, and the emissions in the waste sector increased by 5.5 percent, reaching 16.3 million tons of CO2-Equilant.

CO2 -Equivalent (Carbon Dioxide Equivalent, CO2E) is a conditional unit that is used to assess the volumes of greenhouse gas emissions (including to calculate a carbon trace).

It is measured in tons and means what volume of carbon dioxide is equal to the total volume of emissions, based on their effects on the climate.