Voting In Parliamentary Elections Is Taking Place In Edges

In the Kurdish regional administration of Iraq (Territory) on Sunday, October 20, a vote in the elections to the Parliament of the sixth convocation.

Power stations in the region opened at 07.00 local time.

On Friday, October 18, the voting of employees of law enforcement agencies took place, in which 215,960 people took part, the turnout amounted to 97 percent.

On Sunday, 2 million 638 thousand 618 voters will be able to vote in the general parliamentary elections. Voting will end at 18.00 local time.

In the elections supervised by the Iraqi independent Higher Electoral Commission, 1191 candidates, including 368 women, participate.

Candidates will fight for mandates in a 100-seater parliament, where a total of 5 quotas for Turkman, Christians and Armenians are provided.

The CEC of the edges on Friday reported that all the ballots filled out by voters will be sent to Baghdad, and the first results will be announced 24 hours after the completion of the general elections.

Parliamentary elections that should be held in the edges every 4 years, were the last time organized on September 30, 2018. According to the results of the elections, 111 mandates were distributed.

The Democratic Party of Kurdistan (DPK) received 45, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PSK) – 21, “Movement for Changes” (“Goran”) – 12, “The movement of the new generation” – 8, “Society for the Justice of Kurdistan” (“Komel “) – 7, coalition for correction with the participation of the Party of Islamic Unity of Kurdistan (” Yekgirta “) – 5 and the” Azadi “and” Modern “party – one mandate.

, in accordance with the quota system, Turkman received the edges 5 in parliament, and Christians – 6 mandates.

The Iraqi Federal Court on February 21 ruled that the division of the edges into four constituencies and the allocation of 11 quotas (5 for Turkman and 6 for Christians), in the 111-seater parliament of the region “contradicts the Constitution” and reduced the number of places in parliament to 100 people .

The Higher Judicial Council of Iraq on May 21 decided to allocate 5 quotas for Turkman, Christians and Armenians in the 100-seater parliament of the region.