Vulture Became Bird Of 2025 In Kazakhstan

The vulture was chosen by a bird of 2025 in Kazakhstan. This decision was made following the voting of the Kazakhstan Association for the preservation of biodiversity (ABC) and the Union of Poultry Protection of Kazakhstan.

According to Kazinform, Asbak and the Bird Protection Union of Kazakhstan, voted during the Bird of the Year campaign – the vulture bypassed Yurka (Fringilla Montifringilla), 60% and 40% of the vote were cast for them.

the vulture (Neophron percnopterus) is one of the most miniature bird birds in the world. The scope of its wings reaches only 180 cm (in vultures and sles, for comparison, wingspan about 3 m), and weight – 2.5 kg. It is also the smallest of five birds living in Kazakhstan.

In the republic, about 502 vultures pair in the republic. This is a rare species with a contracting number that is located in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. In the Red List of MSOP (ICN Redlist), the vulture has the status of “threatened” (EN – Endangered) – a chance of disappearance of the species for 20 years, or 5 generations, equal to 20%.

In Kazakhstan, the vultures nest in the lowlands on the Mangyshlak, in Karatau, the Kyrgyz and Talasian Alatau, the Chu-Ilysky Mountains, the Zailiy and Dzungarian Alatau, and the nests are most often arranged in rocky niches.

Birds risk becoming victims of poachers or other predators and poisoning – both toxic baits and their own food: non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used in veterinary medicine, such as diclofenac, ketoprofen, Fluniksin, deadly for scavengers, therefore, having lunch cured by such With a cattle, a bird can die. Danger also pose power lines and windmills. The threat of reducing the feed base is also relevant.

Vultures contribute to the surrounding nature, as they prevent the spread of pathogenic organisms – bacteria, viruses, fungi – among animals and people, and also ensure the purity of their habitat.