What cards of General Staff on delimitation and demarcation of borders of Azerbaijan and Armenia said Vladimir Putin?

In the course of the presentation at the Valdai Forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that without the participation of the Russian side, it was impossible to fully settle the situation on the border with Armenia and Azerbaijan. According to the President of the Russian Federation, the administrative and political maps of the former USSR, with the indication of the border between the Union republics, are currently under the General Staff.

“Based on these maps,” V. Putin said, “you need to calmly sit on both sides, there are things that require mutual compromises: somewhere to align something, somewhere to exchange something … only so, To be recognized and beneficial to both parties. “

The issue of delimitation and demarcation of borders is the key to the mutual recognition of Armenia and Azerbaijan of the borders between them, the basic condition, which allows to resolve the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and create an atmosphere of stability and mutual confidence in the South Caucasus. From the point of view of international law and principles of territorial integrity, the restoration of Soviet borders between the two South Caucasian republics is an objective and verified step forward.

Naqqin.az talked with a professor, doctor of technical sciences Magsad Godjamanov – the first professional Azerbaijani surveyor and cartographer, head of the Cartography Department and Geodesy BSU, who spoken by the Card, which was spoken of at the Valdai Forum President of Russia.

– What are these cards?

– Russian President proposes to hold demarcation and delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border through copies of Soviet topographic maps. Delimation is the designation of items and objects, demarcation – their fixation, marking on this territory.

In the Soviet Union, the map with the display of boundaries between the Union republics was carried out in the main management of geodesy and cartography at the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Hugk at CM of the USSR).

All changes in the boundaries between the republics with the designation of geographical names of settlements, rivers, mountains and other things were approved only in Hugk, and the changes agreed between them were introduced into the Hugk duty card. After that, the republic received copies of the card attendance with changes. In particular, the Azerbaijan SSR and the Armenian SSR received such copies with a consistent change in the border. In principle, Baku and Yerevan could carry out demarcation and delimitation and without facilitating the third party. However, due to the unclean intentions of Armenia, which still torments the processes of demarcation and delimitation in the desire to snatch at least something from the territory of Azerbaijan, President Putin acted as a representative of the neutral side with a proposal to use topographic maps that are in the General Staff of the Armed Sir of the Russian Federation. By the way, civil maps of Time Hugk are now in the Roskartography Mattoos.