Which Generation Equality hero are you?

UN Women

Collage of illustrated action heros for Generation Equality

Illustration by Taylor McManus

Feminism means many different things to many people but what every feminist has in common is a belief in, and commitment to, equality. Generation Equality is uniting feminists and activists from different parts of the world, with different races, religions, ages, socioeconomic status, sexualities and gender expressions, to #ActforEqual.

Taking place in Paris, from 30 June – 2 July, the Generation Equality Forum will bring together governments, activists, private sector partners and youth, and leaders from every sector. Together, they will commit investments, programmes and policies that fast-track progress towards an equal future for all.

As we start our action journey, learn more about some of our feminist action heroes who make up Generation Equality. Which Generation Equality action hero do you support and aspire to be? Tell us how you’re taking action for an equal future using #ActForEqual.

Tech Hero

illustrated Generation Equality tech hero

Illustration by Taylor McManus

The world needs science and technology, and science and technology need women and girls. But, only 0.5 per cent of girls want to work in ICT professions by the time they turn 15, compared to 5 per cent of boys.

The Tech Heroes are barrier-breakers who are stepping into a historically male-dominated industry of technology and innovation as leaders and change-makers. They are girls like Somaya Faruqi, who worked to build a low-cost ventilator to help communities in Afghanistan during COVID-19, and they are innovating, creating and driving change every day. And, they are inspiring and encouraging the next generation of girls to pursue STEM careers so that girls and women shape and benefit from technology.

Learn about the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality to find out more.

Climate Action Activists

illustrated Generation Equality climate action hero

Illustration by Taylor McManus

Women, especially young women and girls, are leading climate action movements all around the world, and yet they are often missing from the climate related decision-making roles.

The climate action activists are those who never give up on making their voices heard for a sustainable future. They speak up for their generations and the generations to come, and encourage everyone to do their part to protect the earth. They take action to address the risks posed by rising temperatures and the destruction of natural resources. They demand governments to implement policies that will help protect the environment.

In Turkey, Selin Goren works to bring local experiences and perspectives of the climate crisis to the international level and raises the voices of marginalized communities facing injustice.

Selin Gören, a climate activist from Turkey. Photo: Esin Gören

Selin Gören, a climate activist from Turkey, with a sign that says, “Don’t leave anyone behind! #ClimateJusticeIsSocialJustice”. Photo: Esin Gören

Some Climate Action Warriors also go by “eco-feminists”, as they see the intersection of climate change and issues of gender justice and understand that taking climate action is taking action for women’s empowerment. So, they mobilize those around them to protect and amplify the voices of grassroots and indigenous communities, including front-line defenders, across social and political arenas.

Public Release. More on this here.