White House: US President Held “heart” Telephone Conversation With Donald Trump

Washington (AA) – the current US President Joe Biden contacted the ex -leader of the country Donald Trump and expressed relief due to the fact that he was not injured after the incident, which “could be an attempt to attempt”.

“President Biden just talked with former President Trump and expressed his relief that everything was in order with him,” the White House said.

The interlocutors held a “heart conversation”, and former President Trump thanked Biden for a phone call, should be from the message.

A US presidential candidate from Republicans Donald Trump confirmed that he had a “heart conversation” with the head of the White House.

As they said in the White House, Biden called Trump immediately after the incident, but he was not available. As a result, the current US president was able to talk to his predecessor later.

Trump’s attempt

On the evening of September 15, there were reports that the golf club in West-Palm Beach (Florida), where Donald Trump played, was firing, a security politician.

Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., wrote on his page in X that, after the incident in the bushes on the field, local law enforcement agencies found an AK-47 assault rifle, the suspect was detained.

Sources told AP that the secret service agent opened fire on the suspect when Trump, for the defense of which he was responsible, played golf.

In an electronic letter to the supporters, Trump emphasized that “they will never give up.” “Shots were heard around me, but before the rumors get out of control, I want to say the following: everything is in order with me and I am safe,” the letter says.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) said that they were investigating “what looked like an attempt” on Trump.

US President Joe Biden said after the incident that “the secret service needs additional help.”

On Trump on July 13, an attempt was made at the pre -election rally in Pennsylvania, the politician was injured in the ear.