WHO Calls For Urgent Operations To Reduce Alcohol Consumption In Europe

The World Health Organization (WHO) called for urgent measures to stop the tendency to alcohol consumption in Europe, which occupies one of the first places in the world.

WHO published a report on alcohol consumption in Europe. According to the report, alcohol consumption, from which about 800 thousand people per year die in Europe, is considered one of the biggest causes of death.

Every day in Europe, 2,200 people die from alcohol, which is almost 9 percent of the total number of deaths in the region.

alcohol use has serious consequences, including domestic violence, accidents and mental health problems. Despite this, many people do not realize the danger of alcohol consumption.

– Europeans occupy the first place in the consumption of alcohol

Despite health risks, Europeans lead in the world with average annual alcohol consumption of 9.2 liters.

According to the latest WHO data, men drink 4 times more than women. In Europe, 2 out of every 3 adults are drunk, and every 10th adult is an alcoholic.

According to doctors, alcohol use leads to cardiovascular diseases, cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. However, alcohol consumption in the countries of the European Union (EU) has not been declining for more than 10 years.

The report contains that the sets set for reducing alcohol consumption were achieved in countries such as Russia, Ukraine and Turkey by increasing alcohol taxes and reducing its availability.

– Not enough measures are taken to reduce consumption

Most of European countries do not follow WHO recommendations, such as increasing alcohol taxes, advertising restrictions and reducing accessibility.

WHO calls for measures to restrict alcohol consumption in Europe by 2025.