Winners Of VII International Festival Of Contractors For Morin Huur Are Declared In Mongolia

In Aimak Umnuguv in Mongolia, winners of the VII International Festival of Artists at Morin Huur are declared in Mongolia.

According to Montsame, the competition was held from July 16 to 22. In the category of professional Morin of the Huurists of the International Festival, B. Enh-Amgalan (96.5 points) took 1st place, 2nd place-B. Erdenanbileg (95.4 points), 3rd place-Ts. Anhbayar (95, 2 points), and O. Tumurhuag, who scored 93 points, received a special prize.

In the category of manufacturers, Maurin Huura, 1st place was taken by P. Sansarbold, 2nd place-A. Szogsaykhan, 3rd place-A. Ulziibat, and the owner of the special prize was the Jrangeargal.

In the category of executors-executors, the 1st place was taken by U. Tugszhargal (93 points), I. Moshazhin (91 points) took 2nd place, 3rd place-N. Henry (89.7 points), and A special prize went to B. Brain, who scored 87.3 points.

In the category of young performers on Morin Huure I. Bilegjargal, he took 1-place (87.7 points), 2nd place- B. Purevdash (87.3 points), 3rd place- Kim Yun Zhun (85, 7 points). A special prize went to Kavnes Clabu, who scored 85.2 points.

The awarding ceremony of the winners of the international festival of performers at Morin Huur will take place today, July 22, at 16:00 in the musical and drama theater Aimak Umnugov.

The purpose of the organization of the festival was the preservation and popularization of the national instrument, which is the physical heritage of the national pride and culture of Mongolia.

This year, the festival was first held in the region under the patronage of the President of Mongolia, in collaboration with the presidential administration, the Ministry of Culture, the State Philharmonic, the Morin Huur Philharmonic Orchestra and the World Association Maurine Huura.

The VII International Festival of Contractors at Morin Huura was attended by 168 performers from six countries in three categories: professional performers on Morin Huure, lovers and manufacturers of Morin Huura.

The international festival of performers at Morin Huura is important for the popularization of Mongolian culture and art around the world by demonstrating the art of playing a national two -stringed musical instrument, expanding cooperation between international enthusiasts and researchers studying the game of Morin Huura, increasing the executive skill of the musicians of regional theaters and art institutions, as well as the development of cultural tourism.