World Celebrates International Day Against Islamophobia

On Saturday, March 15, International Day of Combating Islamophobia is celebrated. The UN established this day after the attacks on the mosque in Krakstcher, New Zealand, as a result of which 51 people died.

In his Message on the occasion of the UN Secretary General Antoniu Gulier, many Muslims of the world are afraid of discrimination, isolation and even violence today, and in such conditions they have to celebrate the Holy month of Ramazan, the UN press service notes.

Islamophobia is a fear, prejudice and hatred of Muslims that lead to provocations, hostility and intolerance through threats, persecution, insults, incitement and intimidation of Muslims, both in the online environment and in ordinary life.

motivated by institutional, ideological, political and religious hostility, turning into structural and cultural racism, it is aimed at symbols and signs of belonging to Muslims.

“We are witnessing an alarm to the growth of the scale of anti -Muslim fanaticism: from racial profiling and discriminatory policy that violates the rights and dignity of a person to open violence against people and places of departure of the cult, – the head of the UN said in his message.

According to him, this phenomenon is part of wider problems: intolerance, extremist ideologies and attacks on religious groups and vulnerable segments of the population.

The world community should reject and eradicate fanaticism, is convinced by Antoniu Gaterrish. The governments need to strengthen social cohesion and protect the freedom of religion; Online platforms should deal with hateful statements and persecution, the head of the organization noted.

“And we all must oppose fanaticism, xenophobia and discrimination,” said the UN Secretary General.

The governments of many countries have already taken steps to combat Islamophobia by adopting laws aimed at combating crimes on the basis of hatred, as well as by conducting the public on informing the public about Muslims and Islam, designed to dispel negative ideas.

Among the last measures to combat Islamophobia is the adoption of the General Assembly of the resolution with a request to the General Secretary to appoint a special envoy to the UN to combat Islamophobia.

The attacks in New Zealand

In the New Zealand city of Kraistcherch on March 15, 2019, with a difference of 10 minutes, an armed attack on the Nur and Linwood mosque was made.

As a result of the attack, 51 people died, including Turkish citizen Zeceria Tuyan, 49 more people, including the attacks and Mustafa Boztash, were injured. Australian Brenton Tarrant turned out to be a shooter.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand called the attack a terrorist attack.