World has grown number of refugees

The number of people who fled and violence increased over 2020 in the world by 4%, reaching almost 82.4 million. This is stated in the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) published on Friday in Geneva. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

“Despite the pandemic, the number of people who fled from wars, violence, persecution and human rights violations in 2020 increased almost 82.4 million,” experts noted, emphasizing that at the end of 2019 this number was 79, 5 million, and the total growth in 12 months amounted to 4%.

“For each digit, there are people who have subsided their homes,” the UN High Commissioner on the affairs of Filippo Grandi, emphasizing that they deserve attention, support and “finding a solution.” According to him, it takes “much big political will” to resolve conflicts.

Specialists associate an increase in the number of refugees with crises in Ethiopia, Sudan, Sachel, Mosamammbic, Yemen, Afghanistan and Colombia.