Yashar Guler: end of mobility of terrorist organization is

According to the statement of the Ministry of National Defense of Turkey, Minister Yashar Guler, chief of the General Staff, General Metin Gurak, commander of the Turkish Naval Forces Admiral Erjuent Tatlyoglu, commander of the Turkish of Turkey, General Selchuk Bayractaroglu and the commander of the Turkish Air Force, General Zia Kadyoglu was visited th bases in Adan.

The Minister of National Defense of Turkey Yashar Guler, speaking to the staff, said: “Our glorious army has achieved grandiose successes, especially in the fight against terrorism. The Turkish Armed Forces are conducting the most comprehensive, most intense and most effective events. This has the end of the mobility of the terrorist organization “.

Having emphasized that in the New Year the armed forces will continue to decisively fulfill its duties and obligations, Guler noted that in 2023, as in previous years, multifaceted events took place in the region and the world, adding that the situation in the field of security is quickly and quickly and Constantly changes due to the growth of risks and threats.

– Our Air Force in 2 months has reached the number of sorties made in 1 year

Minister Guler recalled that from the very first moment the earthquakes on February 6 of the Air Force showed outstanding efforts to heal the wounds and return life to the normal direction using the air bridge. Help was delivered to citizens up to the most remote villages.

The command of the 10th base is the pride of Turkey. They are one of the most authoritative divisions of our Air Force. They carry out the most important air operations in Turkey and beyond. Our heroic pilots and pilots are architects of this success. You are a source of pride for our country.

He on behalf of the ministry congratulated the military on the upcoming New Year, leaving behind a year of duties, performed with maximum return and devotion.