Yashar Guler: Türkiye Is Determined To Create Security Corridor Along Borders Of Iraq And Syria

Turkey is determined to create a security corridor with a depth of 30-40 kilometers along the borders of Iraq and Syria and completely cleanse the region from terrorists.

About this, the Minister of National Defense of Turkey Yashar Gule said Politico magazine, the press service of the defense department said.

The anti -terrorist operations of the Turkish Armed Forces will continue until the last terrorist will neutralize, Guler assured.

The minister said that Ankara resolutely rejects the statements of the unreliability of Turkey as a participant in NATO. “Nothing like it. It is inconceivable to have the same views on each issue in an environment where 32 allies converge. Such perceptions are trying to form a number of countries. Today, Turkey is the only country that has been able to organize negotiations at the high level of both parties to the conflict (Russia and Ukraine). We will not allow to turn the Black Sea into a strategic battlefield, ”said the head of the department.

GULLER is convinced that the search by the EU member alternatives “Outside the NATO Safety Umbrella” will damage the unity and solidarity of the alliance. “The most effective security organization in the Euro-Atlantic region is NATO. We understand Europe’s efforts to strengthen our own security, but we believe that there is no need for another formation,” he said.

Further, Guler attracted attention to the achievements of Ankara in the field of development and production of own defense technologies. “We strive to create a completely independent of the defense industry, based on domestic production, thereby strengthening the country’s economy,” said the head of the defense department.

According to the minister, we are talking about unmanned ground, air and sea technologies, own helicopters, smart ammunition, missiles, air defense and electronic warfare systems that Turkey exports to many countries.

Since 2016, Ankara has conducted three successful operations in order to eliminate the threat of terrorism at its southern borders and ensure the safety of the local population. In particular, we are talking about the operations “Shield of the Euphrates” (2016), “olive branch” (2018) and “Source of the World” (2019), which were held by the Turkish Armed Forces in the north of Syria.

RKK, over the years of its bloody terrorist activity against Turkey, is responsible for the death of more than 40 thousand people, including women, children and babies.

The United States and the European Union introduced RKK to the lists of terrorist organizations.

In recent years, the RSC seeks to shift responsibility for its bloody crimes in the region to its branches.

In Syria, the RKK terrorists are covered by the names Pyd and YPG, and in the past few years they call themselves “Syrian democratic forces.”

In Iran, RSC acts as “Party of Free Life of Kurdistan” (pjak).