Yemen Presidential Governing Council identified four principles for world with Husites

Chairman of the Presidential Service Council, Yemen Rashar Muhammad Al-Alimi, defined four principles to achieve peace with the Ansarullahs supported by Iran by Iran. Alimi made an appropriate statement on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the Association of Northern and Southern Yemen, reports the Yemen news agency Saba.

Alimi noted that these principles in the first to protect provide for compliance with national and regional principles and international recommendations in accordance with the UN 2216 Security Council resolution on the Yemeni crisis.

“In addition, these principles provide for damage to the legal and political status of Yemen, ensuring that any peaceful process is inclusive and protected by regional and international guarantees, as well as openness for intermediary efforts to alleviate the suffering of citizens,” said Alimi.

According to him, the Presidential Council and the Government will adhere to their previous promises to take the southern issue as the basis for the resolution of the Yemensky crisis.

Alimi emphasized that Yemen’s authorities are open to all options for achieving the goals of the Yemeni people, determining political status, as well as economic, social, cultural development in accordance with national, regional and international recommendations.

Earlier, on December 23, 2023, the special envoy of the UN Secretary General for Yemen Hans Grundberg announced that the parties to the conflict had reached an agreement on the implementation of measures as part of the implementation of the “road map”, which includes a comprehensive ceasefire throughout the country and improve financial The provisions of Yemenis. However, on March 18, the Yemen government announced the suspension of the process of implementing the “road map” in connection with the escalation of the Husites of tension in the Red Sea and the creation of a threat to international shipping.

In Yemen, the Husites supported by Iran has controlled the capital of the sanctuary and some regions since September 2014.

Coalition forces, led by Saudi Arabia, support the Yemen government in the fight against the Hussites since March 2015.