Yezidis Camps That Cannot Return To Sinjar Because Of RSC Will Not Be Closed

The decision to close the Ezids camps that cannot return to their homes in the Sinjar area in Mosul due to the invasion of the RSC terrorist organization is suspended.

The Yezids fled from Sinjar after the attack of the Daesh terrorist organization in August 2014 and found refuge in the camps in Dahuka. For about 10 years they have been living away from their houses due to the seizure of the district by another terrorist organization – RSC.

Despite the decision of the Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Immigration on the closure of the camps until July 30, 2024, as a result of the seizure of the district, the Yezida Red Army as a terrorist organization, who want to return to their homes, have been forced to lead a difficult camp life for many years.

Director of the Migration, Spontaneous disaster department and emergency situations in Dahuk, Pir, Pir Jafar, informed the Anadolu agency. Because Baghdad made a decision on camps without consultations with the Government of the Kurdish regional autonomy of Iraq (Tsars) and Ezidis from Sinjar.

According to him, consultations were held with the central government of Iraq to find a more suitable mechanism regarding the status of camps: “The camps still exist in the form in which they are, and this decision has stalled.”

Jafar said that some people previously tried to move to Sinjar, but they return to the camps due to “safety problems, unemployment and lack of services” in the area under the control of a terrorist organization.