Young Engineers From Turkic World Met Teknofest In Adan

Young engineers studying abroad and supported the Office for Turks abroad and related communities (YTB) took part in the second youth forum of the diaspora in the organization of Turkic states (OTG) as part of the Teknofest.


As reported in the official statement of YTB, since 2018, the management has been actively involved in compatriots living abroad to participate in the Teknofest festival, organizing various projects.

, as part of the second youth forum, the YTB Diaspora Ground-up in Adan at the Teknofest festival 25 young people from the Diasporas of the Member States OTG and 30 young engineers from the Turkish diaspora.

Speaking at the event, the head of YTB Abdullah Eren noted that every year they invite young people born and grown up in Europe, especially those who study engineering specialties. He emphasized that in this way the diaspora became a witness to the technological breakthrough of Turkey.

Eren emphasized that they do not make differences between compatriots living in Turkey and abroad, reminding of the festival and in Azerbaijan.

The head of YTB called Teknofest the world’s largest festival in the field of space, aviation and technology. “Here we see the achievements of Turkey in the field of high technology, including in the defense industry. We see planes, helicopters, missiles, and many other high -tech products created by our companies,” he said.

Eren expressed confidence that the whole world saw what young Turkish engineers are capable of. “We want our compatriots living abroad to share this enthusiasm. That is why from the first Teknofest in 2018 we invite young people such as you, to this event,” he emphasized.

The head of YTB noted that this year 30 young people from the Turkish diaspora and 25 young people from the Diasporas of the OTG member states participating in the second forum of the youth of the diaspora met this year. “We will continue to unite our compatriots living abroad, with their roots and help them communicate with each other in their homeland,” he concluded.

as part of the program, the head of YTB Abdullah Eren, together with young people, made a tour of the site Teknofest.